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Miniaturka MTV
How The World’s Oldest Hat Shop Has Stayed In Business For Nearly 350 Years | Still Standing
Lock & Co. Hatters in London has been designing and selling high quality hats since 1676. It has served celebrities and royalty throughout history, withstood a bombing in WWII, and now survived the Covid-19 pandemic which was the first time in history it had to close its doors. MORE STILL STANDING VIDEOS: How One Man In Egypt Is Keeping This 200-Year-Old Tile Tradition Alive | (…)
okejki 3 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Nathan Myhrvold: Could this laser zap malaria?
Http:// Nathan Myhrvold and team's latest inventions -- as brilliant as they are bold -- remind us that the world needs wild creativity to tackle big problems like malaria. And just as that idea sinks in, he rolls out a live demo of a new, mosquito-zapping gizmo you have to see to believe. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the T(…)
okejki 3 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
When Bike Riders Use PHYSICS To Win │ FASTEST Descending Positions In Cycling│Superman On...
This is an analysis of some descending techniques that cyclists use to get an advantage over their adversaries in the descents. #Cycling #TDF2021 #TDF
2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
We Can't Be The Only Ones Who Noticed This About Bezos' Rocket!!!
As billionaire Jeff Bezos was launched into space, we couldn't help but notice something weird about his .... rocket.
okejki 5 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
"Turystka Anna", czyli manipulacja TVP
Funkcjonariusze Lasów Państwowych udają turystów, żeby reklamować własną aplikację. Przy pomocy TVP.
okejki 234 · 21 837x · komentarze 82 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Innowacji VFX od 2000 roku
Innowacji VFX od 2000 roku
okejki 7 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Jak działa Bluetooth. Cykl Nauka to Magia która działa.
Wiele Twoich urządzeń wykorzystuje Bluetooth do komunikacji bezprzewodowej. Ale jak działa Bluetooth? W tym filmie, będziemy nurkować w szczegóły, jak twój smartfon wysyła dźwięk do bezprzewodowych słuchawek. Bluetooth jest dość skomplikowany i dlatego zamierzamy użyć wielu analogii i narzędzi, aby wyjaśnić go w pełni.
okejki 4 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
DIY Hydrogen/Oxygen Generators From Grocery Store Items
In this video we look at several electrolysis designs and their function. Most DC power supplies will work adequately well for electrolysis, the most common of which is a 12v battery charger or a car battery itself. For more control it is best to use an adjustable power supply.
okejki 3 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Created in the late 1940s, this film from Bell explains the operation of the Mobile Telephone Service (MTS) by showing how it can be used to make business more efficient. The film also shows some of the cutting edge equipment used in the system and shows how it was installed in vehicles (7:30). MTS was a pre-cellular VHF radio system that linked to the Public Switched Telephone (…)
okejki 5 · 2 lata temu
Miniaturka MTV
Lubella Koko Jambo
Lubella wraz z zespołem ludowym Jarzębina stworzyła reklamę, którą po prostu miło się ogląda.
okejki 330 · 22 817x · komentarze 50 · 2 lata temu